Awareness Program
Several years ago Winnebago CountyWide Crime Stoppers made the decision to support and advance the awareness of bullying occurring in our schools. Winnebago CountyWide Crime Stoppers undertook the task of formulating an anti-bullying program involving local community officials and law enforcement officers. What began with just one community has led to the passing of a county wide ordinance against bullying/cyberbullying in all our county schools. Bullying awareness works in conjunction with our Quick 50 program and gives students an avenue to which they can safely and anonymously report violations.
Expanding on these successes has resulted in the training of school bus drivers on how to react and report occurrences, programs in schools that include instruction, brochures, posters and other materials all aimed at creating awareness to this problem in our schools.
Definition of Bullying
Bullying and cyberbullying is a repetitive, on-going, unwanted behavior that is done purposely and knowingly. Bullying is conduct that disrupts both a students ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its students in a safe non threatening environment Bullies use an imbalance of power with intent to cause harm physically, emotionally, or mentally, by verbal, non verbal, physical or electronic technology. Bullying and cyberbullying is a crime.
What Type of Schools Participate?
Any middle or senior high school in Winnebago County. Just look for the Quick 50 Program to END Bullying posters placed throughout the school.
Who is Eligible to Participate in the Program?
Any student attending a participating school in Winnebago County.
How Does the Program Work?
A student with information wishing to remain anonymous, can submit tips by using the Winnebago CountyWide Crime Stoppers tip line, P3 APP, or choose to speak confidentially to the school’s Police Student Liaison Officer. The Winnebago CountyWide Crime Stoppers tip line is 920-231-TIPS(8477) .
The anonymous option gives the student a confidential identification number in order to maintain anonymity. That information is then submitted to the school for an investigation. If the information submitted leads to an arrest, a cash reward of $50.00 is paid to the caller by the Police School Liaison Officer.